Josh Arkwookerum says : Greetings!
I am the Automation Dad and I am a referral partner for Villiers Jets.
The Villiers Network aggregates over 10,000 private aircraft across 40,000 destinations worldwide. They also provide access to the lowest prices from the largest global network of private aircraft.
My only ask of you is to check out the link below if you are considering a private jet service. It will be worth your time.
Please click here to learn more:
Thank you for your time!
Automation Dad
You can opt of of future mesages by forwarding this message to and I will remove the following domain from future messages
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/24/2022 8:22:30 AM
Jaxon Shellshear says : Have you used a little-known traffic software to start your business?
This brand new software allows you to completely automate your sales & marketing tasks, quickly and easily, and it works like a charm. Try it risk-free here:
Our company earned $410,000+ in sales in the last 4weeks.
You will see the complete case study on
Kind regards
P.S.: You are missing out right now by not using it…
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/23/2022 10:46:47 PM
Perry Cowell says : New alternative funding program (Employee Retention Credit-ERC) for business owners impacted by the Pandemic!
Program Highlights:
• Up to $26,000 Per Employee (Get up to a 7 Figure check from the IRS)
• Part of the CARES ACT (You will be paid by the IRS not the SBA)
• Qualify with decreased revenue or Any Covid event (i.e was closed for 1 day)
• No limit on funding (ERC is not a loan)
• IRS will mail a check (You do not need to pay this back)
Qualification requirement:
• Minimum 1 W2 employee
• You can qualify for other qualifying events outside of decreased revenue
Click Here to find out the amount your company is owed
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/22/2022 8:22:21 AM
Thelma Litchfield says : Enter the $50,000 Weekly Sweepstakes for a chance to win.
Offer ends soon.
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/21/2022 8:08:05 PM
Miriam says : Morning
Defrost frozen foods in minutes safely and naturally with our THAW KING™.
50% OFF for the next 24 Hours ONLY + FREE Worldwide Shipping for a LIMITED
Buy now:
Best regards,
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/21/2022 3:33:59 PM
Wesley Pethard says : Have you used an underground traffic software to jumpstart your business?
It allows you to automate your sales & marketing, quickly and easily, and it works great. Test drive it here:
We made more than $410K in revenue in the last month..
You can see the full case study on
Kind regards
P.S.: You are missing out right now by not using it…
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/19/2022 11:20:26 PM
Ardis Windeyer says : Hi,
Check Out How I made $60K in 4 week using this free Method :
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/18/2022 10:16:19 PM
Mark Davis says : Did you know that getting working capital for your business no longer requires good credit?
What would it mean to you if your business could get APPROVED for up to 250k in less than 30 seconds?
Our approvals are based on your company’s sales instead of credit and collateral. This allows us to
provide you with an immediate decision.
Just click the link to instantly see how much you qualify for
Warm Regards,
Mark Davis
Express Capital
This is an Advertisement.
To unsubscribe, click here
or write to:
Express Capital
9169 W State St #3242
Garden City, ID 83714
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/18/2022 3:14:44 AM
Chase Bernays says : I recently discovered a few tools that allow you to setup bots that sell products in a FULLY automated way.
It’s all being taught inside this new training program called, “AI Profits”
The best part is that you don’t have to be an expert or do much more than click a few buttons to get started.
Reply :
Posted Time : 8/17/2022 6:41:33 PM
Klara Stokes says : Did you watch it yet?!?
Yesterday I sent over a short video with a guy named Dave.
That video is extraordinarily powerful (and I think you’ll absolutely love it).
Watch It at
I’ve seen just about everything there is to see in terms of digital marketing…
And this is by far one of the most impactful videos I’ve ever seen.
After you get your eyeballs on this video, you’re going to feel:
- Clarity about how to create revenue online
- The reason so many people get STUCK
- Practical strategies to start your online journey right now
The video is short, but it is JAM PACKED with incredibly important information.
Go here To Watch The Video
It’s your time.